This film unveils a hidden history which starts in the Dutch East Indies under Japanese occupation during WW2. The protagonists were born of Eurasian mothers and Japanese fathers as children of the enemy. They moved to the Netherlands with their mothers while their fathers went back to Japan after the war. The absence of their fathers becomes a missing piece in their lives, and the ensuing search stretches across continents. One of the protagonists, Nippy Noya, is the percussionist in a Netherlands-based rock band called Massada. In his career, he also recorded with artists such as John McLaughlin and toured with Billy Cobham and Chaka Khan. The film starts with his soulful drum playing in the ruins of the former Jewish transit camp, Westerbork. On his journey, he discovers the secret of his musical gift, just as the other protagonists each experience their own emotional rebirth. The theatrical version of 'Children's Tears - Searching for Japanese Fathers (49 min.) was released on the 70th anniversary of the end of the war in Tokyo and Osaka. The film has toured the theaters in Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kobe. The film won the 33rd Japanese Film Renaissance Award (Japan), International Movie Award 2014 (Indonesia), and was officially selected by DOC Feed 2016 (The Netherlands). The theatrical version continues to be screened.