My Daddy Dearest is a Filipino dramedy series created and written by Denoy Navarro - Punio, under the helm of Don Michael Perez and produced by GMA Network. This series headlines Ogie Alcasid and Jolina Magdangal with JC Tiuseco, and Milkcah Wynne Nacion. The series premiered on June 11, 2012 replacing Alice Bungisngis and her Wonder Walis on GMA early primetime block and June 13, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. Originally titled as Bongga Ka Tay! (lit. Dad, You Are Fabulous!, and also from the combination words Bong which is the name of the main character, and the Filipino gay lingo bongga which means fabulous) but was later changed to My Daddy Dearest.