With Ginga assisting the Ultramen, Guar Army was forced to retreat and their space distortion was sealed. Hikaru, Ginga's host introduced himself to Xio and Daichi as well as telling the boy of several peaceful monsters which made his dream to befriend monsters even closer. Soon, Gina released Mecha Gomora and lured Xio and UPG members away from their base for Mold to attack and awaken the Spark Dolls. While Gomora had been taken cared by Cyber Gomora, Shaplay loses his life when shielding Gina and she fused with Mold and Juda's spirit to become Guar Spectre. The three Ultramen arrives and fight the alien colossal, with Ginga and Victory used their fusion and Exceed X expels the Dark Thunder Energy before finishing Guar altogether. With the Guar Army disbanded, Ultraman X used the Ultimate Zero Armor to transport the UPG members back to their world.